Saturday, 1 March 2008


So it has been quite some time since I have updated this blogness. Lots has happened in the past few months so I will start from the beginning. Christmas- So I got out of the hospital just a couple of days before Christmas. I went with my mom down to Fresno and we saw lots o friends and Trev’s Crew. It was a really nice time with everyone and we ate loads of goodies!!

Nephew 2
Niece 2
Dont Mess With The Best
A Christmas Miracle!!!
Nephew 2 and Trevski
Nephew 1
Niece 1

Care, The Utah Trip
Oh Heathers!!!!
The Almighty Maroo
250$ worth of sushi,
Writhing Pain from Gallbladder Attack
900$ ER Bill

The Boys
Kevo, Chad, Eric, Ryan